The gentlemen at Wimbledon Automatics changed the oil and sump/filter on my BMW 335D. They did a fab job and provided me with a video of the work. I like you reading this scoured places and read reviews, and any negative reviews I then thought about. I also google mapped the garage, and to be fair it doesn’t look like much, so you’d think that on that I would say ‘no’ and move onto somewhere a little more swanky… but no. I was chatting to a friend and mentioned my gearbox, she said that a few years ago she had taken her Ford Galaxy there and the guys there had changed the gearbox as they had been recommended by her main dealer. Since then, not a thing has gone wrong, and so, that was all the review that I needed. No i don’t know the people personally at Wimbledon Automatics and no I am not in business with them and so 1000% this is a genuine review. Give them a shout, they are very good at what they do.